An RSS feed (or news feed) is a means by which you can stay informed about what's going on at Bradford Concert Band without having to regularly visit the website.
To make use of an RSS feed, you need some "feed reader" (or "aggregator") software. Most modern web browsers have feed readers built in.
The RSS feeds for Bradford Concert Band are listed below...
Maintain BCB members’ subscriptions and record income and expenditure for BCB’s accounts
Prepare documents to comply with Charity Commission reporting requirements (with Secretary)
Present annual accounts to members at AGM
Prepare annual budget and regular financial forecasts for Management Committee review and recommendation to Trustees for approval
Prepare regular management accounts for Management Committee review
Take necessary actions to address issues with financial stability
Recommend structure for bank mandate including number of approvers required for each payment, whether by internet banking or cheque, individual approvers and limits, to Trustees
Implement agreed structure for bank mandate with bank (currently TSB)
Arrange cheque signatories / internet banking payments approvers (all payments require two signatories / approvals)
Making Music (MM) Group Administrator for BCB - ensure that all Trustees and MC members are registered on MM website
Prepare Trustees, Management Committee and General Meetings of members meeting agendas and papers
Maintain record of minutes of Trustee and Management Committee meetings and General Meetings of members
Maintain a register of BCB policies, procedures and guidelines, including dates for regular review and approval
Ensure Trustee Onboarding policy and procedures are followed and new Trustees recommended to Trustees for consideration
Ensure that any new legally binding agreements are reviewed and referred to Trustees for approval
Manage membership records and ensure that Joiner and Leaver process is followed for new and departing members
Support Management Committee Lead with keeping members informed of the Trustees / Management’s activities and circulate relevant information accordingly
Prepare documents to comply with Charity Commission reporting requirements (with Treasurer)
Ensure that each Sub-Committee reports regularly to MC and that these reports are included in MC meeting minutes
Keep band members informed of key decisions made by Management Committee and / or Trustees, internal and external developments and circulate relevant information accordingly (via newsletter or other means)
Make requisite announcements at rehearsals, including announcing new band members
Celebrate successes in these announcements eg passing exams
Maintain BCB members’ subscriptions and record income and expenditure for BCB’s accounts
Prepare documents to comply with Charity Commission reporting requirements (with Secretary)
Present annual accounts to members at AGM
Prepare annual budget and regular financial forecasts for Management Committee review and recommendation to Trustees for approval
Prepare regular management accounts for Management Committee review
Take necessary actions to address issues with financial stability
Recommend structure for bank mandate including number of approvers required for each payment, whether by internet banking or cheque, individual approvers and limits, to Trustees
Implement agreed structure for bank mandate with bank (currently TSB)
Arrange cheque signatories / internet banking payments approvers (all payments require two signatories / approvals)
Making Music (MM) Group Administrator for BCB - ensure that all Trustees and MC members are registered on MM website
Prepare Trustees, Management Committee and General Meetings of members meeting agendas and papers
Maintain record of minutes of Trustee and Management Committee meetings and General Meetings of members
Maintain a register of BCB policies, procedures and guidelines, including dates for regular review and approval
Ensure Trustee Onboarding policy and procedures are followed and new Trustees recommended to Trustees for consideration
Ensure that any new legally binding agreements are reviewed and referred to Trustees for approval
Manage membership records and ensure that Joiner and Leaver process is followed for new and departing members
Support Management Committee Lead with keeping members informed of the Trustees / Management’s activities and circulate relevant information accordingly
Prepare documents to comply with Charity Commission reporting requirements (with Treasurer)
Ensure that each Sub-Committee reports regularly to MC and that these reports are included in MC meeting minutes
Find and book appropriate concert venues and come up with ideas for new places to try.
Liaise with venue organisers re regular and new concert opportunities (list of contacts to be provided by Chair - including LCC, BMDC, KTC, HFS, Walsh, Roberts Park, Ilkley bandstand, Baildon Hall etc)
Book concerts with LCC in annual late January phone in
Email contacts each year to book Christmas time slots for busking
Assess concert attendees with MD, and agree where deputies are needed
Liaise with Music Chair and MD to create small playing groups, particularly for Christmas Busking.
Undertake site visits / risk assessments of venues
Send out details of concerts prior to the event - playlist (provided by MD), site details, parking, facilities etc
Gather availability for concerts and Christmas Busking via website and send reminder emails to band
Be the main point of contact for concert related matters - deputies, venues, kit transport etc
Oversee management and smooth running of concerts
Be the main point of contact “on the ground” and / or “on the day” for all concert related matters - venue organisers (“meet and greet”), kit transport to and fro, chair layout
Feedback suggestions on music choices and musical development from BCB members to MD
Making Music (MM) Lead - make good use of MM resources by reviewing website, initiatives, guidance, email and event invitations and circulating to relevant members of Management Committee to determine who should attend specific MM events
Manage compliance with any Covid-19 policy and procedures